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Inspiration to help you get started designing your custom neon

When coming up with ideas for your neon sign, keep it simple.

Have a look at the examples on this page to get some ideas for the neon signs.

Get inspiration & ideas that'll help you understand your options & feel confident choosing the neon sign you've always wanted. One that makes an impression.

Pick your favourite sign. Upload any images/notes and send in to get pricing. 

An eye-catching neon sign is a memorable backdrop for customers in your café. The sign will help people driving past to recognise your location. Neon creates a photo opportunity that helps inspire user-generated content for your brand.
The sky’s the limit for LED Neon. We can create any custom sign you want.

Not sure which neon is the best choice? Choose a design you like. Fill in your details. We can discuss your ideas together and recommend the right custom design based on your goals.

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How to design a neon sign 

When you choose a sign manufacturer, you will have a team carefully considering your design and all the details. These include your branding, the colours, lettering type and size, graphics, negative space, materials, and the location of your sign. Once your letters, shapes, and graphics have been designed, your sign will be printed, cut, etched, etc., then prepared for mounting. Neon Nights is a sign manufacturer that cares about your company, the impression your sign makes, and the impact your sign has on your business.

With experience serving customers throughout New Zealand, Neon Nights can help you with your custom signage project no matter the size.
LED neon is much brighter than traditional neon signs, but both stand out best in darker settings. If you operate during the day, it's worth finding a darker spot where you can place your neon.

Indoor Signs that aren't waterproof will work well hanging on a wall. Hung in a window that's sheltered under a canopy. Signs intended for a bright daylight setting can have a black backboard for increased contrast. 

Outdoor signs are more expensive because they're made with a different process. There are a few aesthetic benefits to signs made for the outdoors. The first is that they are waterproof. The second is that tube thickness can vary, and this is helpful to better replicate fonts that vary in weight. Outdoor signs are often 3D letters fabricated in steel. This provides them with a grunge neon look and the perfect high contrast setting to stand out day or night.
Check out some of our previous work
Learn more about our past projects! You’ll find plenty of neon sign inspiration waiting for you below.
Follow Neon Nights on Instagram for ideas and inspiration to make your custom neon look amazing. Be ready when it's time to design your custom neon.

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Let's make your space glow!

Getting started is easy, personalised your neon design today
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